Review of Microsoft October 2015 Pres Conference…in 45 seconds…
A new week, a new video. This week we give you a brief yet informative 45 second review of Microsoft October 2015 press conference.
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Here is your recap of the Microsoft Press event held October 6, 2015…in 30 seconds.
- Microsoft Band, their only wearable tech, now has a curved screen and does some cool stuff, but still not as much as Apple Watch.
Microsoft Band - The new Lumia 950 family of phones was unveiled which promisses a high quality 20MP camera with 3 tone flash and optical image stabalization. It can also double as a laptop with the right accessories… but they don’t want you to use it as one because they want you to get this:
Lumia 950 with Dock - The updated Surface Pro 4. Microsoft also added the new Surface Book to the their lineup. The unique hinge looks like the shed skin of a Lenovo Yoga 3 was repurposed. This product answers a question no one asked. “What if you took a Surface Pro, removed the kickstand and all the ports, and added them to a bulkier keyboard base?” Answer: “An overpriced Surface Pro that is less portable.”
Microsoft Book Hinge - Also thrown in was a demo of fun looking hologram VR headsets and games that you can’t play with… Come on Microsoft, no one likes a tease…
This has been your 45 second review of Microsoft October 2015 press conference. Keep it tuned to for all the tech you need to know.